Center for Reconciliation and Cooperation in East Asia

1. About

The Center for Reconciliation and Cooperation in East was founded to provide theoretical and practical explanation to relieve the international tension and promote reconciliation and cooperation among East Asian countries. The Center aims to contribute to an increase of the peace in the region by searching for political compromise, which may resolve history issue and territorial dispute and strengthen regional cooperation.

Major research interests are as follows:

1. Reconciliation between South Korea and Japan

  • Mutual cooperation to verify historical facts, Commemoration based on the facts, Cooperation for better future

2. Reconciliation as a multi-faceted research agenda

  • Political Philosophy of Reconciliation, Reconciliation as Historical Experience, Political Leadership for Reconciliation, Reconciliation and Economic Cooperation

2. Member

Center Director : Kwon-Hee Lee (Korea University)

Research Fellow

  • Jin-goo Cho (Institute for Far Eastern Studies)

3. Projects

Current Projects

  • 2018.04-07: Korea University CORE program Lecture Series(“Special Lecture to Understand the Perception of History between Korea and Japan)

Past Projects

  • 2018.03-04 : Lifelong Learning Center Lecture Series, Sungbuk-gu Government(“Take a Deeper Look at Korea-Japan Relations”)
  • 2017.10-11 : Lifelong Learning Center Lecture Series, Sungbuk-gu Government(“Korea-Japan Reconciliation and Cooperation”)