Rights Claiming in South Korea


Introduction: rights in action (Patricia Goedde and Celeste L. Arrington)

Part I. Rights in Historical Perspective:
1. Legal disputes, women’s legal voice, and petitioning rights in late Joseon Korea Jisoo M. Kim
2. Defying claims of legal incompetence: women’s lawsuits over separate property rights in colonial Korea Sungyun Lim
3. ‘Equal’ second-class citizens: post-colonial democracy and women’s rights in post-liberation South Korea Eunkyung Kim

Part II. Institutional Mechanisms for Rights Claiming:
4. A clash of claims: the diversity and effectiveness of rights claims around the Jeju 4.3 events Hun Joon Kim
5. Advancing human rights, advancing a nation: becoming a Seonjinguk via the national human rights commission of Korea Soo-Young Hwang
6. The constitutional court as a facilitator of fundamental rights claiming in Korea, 1988–2018 Hannes B. Mosler
7. Rights claiming through the courts: changing legal opportunity structures in South Korea Celeste L. Arrington
8. Public interest lawyering in South Korea: trends in institutional development Patricia Goedde
Part III. Mobilizing Rights for the marginalized:
9. From ‘we are not machines, we are humans’ to ‘we are workers, we want to work’: the changing notion of labour rights in Korea, the 1980s-the 2000s Yoonkyung Lee
10. From invisible beneficiaries to independent rights-holders: how the disability rights movement changed the law and Korean society JaeWon Kim
11. The politics of postponement and sexual minority rights in South Korea Ju Hui Judy Han
12. Discovering diversity: the anti-discrimination legislation movement in South Korea Jihye Kim and Sung Soo Hong
Part IV. Shaping Rights for New and Non-citizens:
13. The rights of non-citizenship: migrant rights and hierarchies in South Korea Erin Aeran Chung
14. Claiming citizenship: rights claiming and recognition for North Koreans entering South Korea Sheena Chestnut Greitens

Conclusion: findings and future directions Celeste L. Arrington and Patricia Goedde