Government Partisanship and Technological Disasters (2017.12)

  • Authors : Gyu Jeong Yee, Sung-woo Lee, and Jae Hyeok Shin
  • Journal : Social Science Studies
  • Publisher : Social Science Research Institute, Chunbuk National University
  • Volume : 41(3)
  • Publication Date : December, 2017
  • Abstract : In this article we aim to investigate the effect of political factors on technological disasters such as the sinking of the Sewol ferry. We argue that as the influence of leftist parties in the government increases, regulatory intensity increases, which, in turn, decreases technological disasters. Leftist parties tend to intensify regulations prioritizing human safety rather than economic growth, whereas rightist parties tend to soften regulations placing greater emphasis on growth. Intensified regulations should decrease technological disasters, whereas softened regulations should increase technological disasters. We support these arguments using time-series data of 59 countries around the world. We find that as the governing leftist parties’ share of parliamentary seats increases, the regulatory intensity increases, and that as the regulatory intensity increases, the death toll caused by a technological disaster decreases.

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