Upcoming Events

[Woodang Academy Special Lecture] The Experience of UN and Diplomats
- Venue: Zoom Lecture (Untact, Online)
Korea University’s Peace and Democracy Institute and Korea University’s Department of Political Science and Diplomacy will invite Kyung Chul Lee, the current special representative of Afghanistan and Pakistan, to give a special lecture on the U.N. and foreign policy-making process. We ask for your interest and participation in this. (더 보기…)
[Jiam Research Workshop] Guide for the 6th to 8th Jiam Research Workshop
- Korea University’s Peace and Democracy Institute will hold the 6th, 7th, and 8th Jiam Research Workshop sponsored by KAIST Korea Fourth Industrial Revolution Policy Center (KPC4IR). The workshops, which will be held to analyze each country’s efforts to cope with the era of the U.S.-China technology hegemony competition and to discuss cyber-security in the era of the U.S.-China technology hegemony, will be presented and discussed by experts in related fields.
- We are expecting your interest and participation. (더 보기…)

[Soodang Distinguished Speaker Colloquium #9] Painful Words: The Effect of Battlefield Activity on Conflict Negotiation Behavior
- Presenter : Eric Min (University of California – Los Angeles)
- Date and time : Friday, October 22, 2021. 9 am
- Zoom link : https://bit.ly/3mJIkKZ
- Meeting ID : 838 7798 5118
- Password : 1905Korea!
- Contact : jamessuh3823@korea.ac.kr

[Soodang Security Studies Colloquium #13] Deter Together or Deter Separately?: Time Horizons and Peacetime Alliance Cohesion of the US-Japan and US-ROK Alliances
- Author: Do Young Lee (IGCC, UC San Diego)
- Discussant: Tongfi Kim (Brussels School of Governance)
- Date and time: October 22, 2021 (Friday) / 17:00
- Zoom link: https://bit.ly/2SFw3qA
- Meeting ID: 81841893805 (password: Security1!)
Rules for participation: Anyone interested in the topic can join the meeting using the above link without prior registration. However, we advise you to download and read the paper in advance.
[Jiam Research Workshop] 6. Germany and Australia’s Strategic Choice in the Age of Technological Hegemony between the United States and China
- Date and time: Thursday, October 28, 2021. 17:30~19:15
- Zoom link: j/88350577206?pwd=U2RIUEtlQ3dlNy9hVXJlWnpMSHFXQT09
- Meeting ID: 883 5057 7206
- Password: PeaceD301!

Northeast Asia Peace and Cooperation Forum 2021
- Date : Wed~Thur, October 6~7, 2021.
- Venue : KNDA YOUTUBE (https://www.youtube.com/user/KNDALIVE)
- Hosting : Ministry of Foreign Affairs Republic of Korea, Korea National Diplomatic Academy
- Application : napc2021.com
* Coffee coupons will be given randomly among those who register in advance.
* Various events (Galaxy Watch gift) are also underway, such as proposing a one-line policy on KNDA Instagram and leaving real-time comments on YouTube.