Upcoming Events

[Soodang Security Studies Colloquium #15] When War Goes South: Violence Against Civilians During the Early Korean War
- Author: Seung Joon Paik (Korea University Peace and Democracy Institute)
- Discussant: Nam Kyu Kim (Korea University Dept of Pol. Sci. and Int. Rel.)
- Date and time: December 17, 2021 (Friday) / 17:00
- Zoom link: https://bit.ly/2SFw3qA
- Meeting ID: 81841893805 (password: Security1!)
Rules for participation: Anyone interested in the topic can join the meeting using the above link without prior registration. However, we advise you to download and read the paper in advance.
[Soodang Distinguished Speaker Colloquium #12] How Overseas Opportunities Shape Political Preferences: A Field Experiment on International Migration
- Presenter : Nikhar Gaikwad (Columbia University)
- Date and time : Friday, December 10, 2021. 9 am
- Zoom link : https://tinyurl.com/srznnj7w
- Meeting ID : 891 6807 5806
- Password : eY9GxEixEU
- Contact : jamessuh3823@korea.ac.kr

[Soodang Distinguished Speaker Colloquium #11] Does Social Influence Shape Online Political Expression?
- Presenter : Andrew Guess (Princeton University)
- Date and time : Friday, December 3, 2021. 16:30
- Zoom link : https://bit.ly/3DmH85Q
- Meeting ID : 840 4223 0710
- Password : 1905Korea!
- Contact : jamessuh3823@korea.ac.kr

[College of Political Science and Economics Symposium #7] US-China Global Hegemony Competition and Global Supply-Chain
- Date and time: Monday, December 6, 2021. 16:30~18:00
- Venue: Korea University College of Political Science and Economics Youtube Channel
- Hosts: Shin Wha Lee (PDI), Eung Kyoon Lee (Institute of Governmental Studies)
- Presenter: Ku Hyun Jung (Yonsei University)
- Panel:
Joon Mo Ahn (Department of Public Administration)
Moon Sung Kang (Division of International Studies)
Sung Jin Kang (Department of Economics)
Sung Eun Kim (Department of Political Science and International Relations)
Dong Sun Lee (Department of Political Science and International Relations)

[Soodang Security Studies Colloquium #14] Alignment Strategies of East Asian States in the US-China Tech War
- Author: Sunwoo Paek (Korea University Division of International Studies)
- Discussant: Iordanka Alexandrova (Korea University Peace and Democracy Institute)
- Date and time: November 26, 2021 (Friday) / 17:00
- Zoom link: https://bit.ly/2SFw3qA
- Meeting ID: 81841893805 (password: Security1!)
Rules for participation: Anyone interested in the topic can join the meeting using the above link without prior registration. However, we advise you to download and read the paper in advance.
[Jiam Research Workshop] 8. Cyber-Security in the Age of Technological Hegemony between the United States and China
- Zoom link: j/88474606851?pwd=MEx3bUNBSW01WldpS201MlNjamdWQT09
- Meeting ID: 884 7460 6851
- Password: 4FbnLu&MDT

[Jiam Research Workshop] 7. Japan in the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution: Challenges and Opportunities
- Zoom link: j/86271273267?pwd=YktvaEZuUDZuTklkN091UTdIeGpUZz09
- Meeting ID: 862 7127 3267
- Password: PeaceD301!

[Soodang Distinguished Speaker Colloquium #10] The Political Consequences of Green Policies: Evidence from Italy
- Presenter : Yotam Margalit (Tel Aviv University)
- Date and time : Friday, November 26, 2021. 17:00
- Zoom link : https://bit.ly/3beu3z5
- Meeting ID : 850 8385 8612
- Password : 1905Korea!