Upcoming Events

[Soodang Security Studies Colloquium #3] Killing to Rule: Military Dynamics, Time Horizon, and the Use of Violence During the Korean War
- Author: Seung Joon Paik (Korea University Peace and Democracy Institute)
- Discussant: Hyun Jin Choi (Kyung Hee University Department of Political Science)
- Date and time: December 12, 2020 (Friday) / 17:00
- Zoom link: https://bit.ly/2SFw3qA
- Meeting ID: 81841893805 (password: Security1!)
Rules for participation: Anyone interested in the topic can join the meeting using the above link without prior registration. However, we advise you to download and read the paper in advance.
[Soodang Distinguished Speaker Colloquium #2] International Disputes, Media Coverage, and Backlash Against International Law
- Presentation : Ryan Brutger
- Date : Fri, Dec 18, 2020. 09:30
- Zoom Link : https://bit.ly/2TyWe2L
- Meeting ID : 811 7802 7483
- Password : 1905
- Contact : taegyun_lim@korea.ac.kr

[Jiam Research Workshop] 2. Revival of the liberal international order and multilateral security order? East Asian multilateral security cooperation after the U.S. presidential election
- Date : Fri, Nov 27, 2020. 11:00- 14:00
- Zoom Link | https://bit.ly/2V8O6Hj
- Meeting ID | 986 4861 7293
- Meeting Password | jiam1
- Contact | junmobaby@naver.com

[Soodang Distinguished Speaker Colloquium #1] State Building As Lawfare
- Presentation | Egor LAZAREV
- Date | Fri, Nov 20, 2020. 09:30
- Zoom Link | https://bit.ly/2TyWe2L
- Meeting ID | 811 7802 7483
- Please contact taegyun_lim@korea.ac.kr for password

[Soodang Security Studies Colloquium #2] Discouraging the Bomb: U.S. Counterproliferation Success against Libya
- Author: Sun Woo Paik (Korea University Division of International Studies)
- Discussant: Dong Joong Kim (Sogang University Department of Political Science)
- Date and time: November 11, 2020 (Friday) / 17:00
- Zoom link: https://bit.ly/2SFw3qA
- Meeting ID: 81841893805 (password: Security1!)
Rules for participation: Anyone interested in the topic can join the meeting using the above link without prior registration. However, we advise you to download and read the paper in advance.
Humanitarian Aid Policy to North Korea
- Date: Fri, Nov 6, 2020. 14:30 – 16:00
- Venue: Political Science & Economics Bldg. 618/ Zoom)
- Presentation: Sangsoo Lee (Deputy Director of ISDP, Head of Stockholm Korea Center)

[Soodang Security Studies Colloquium #1] The Stable Peace between France and Germany: The Role of the United States
- Author: Sung Eun Choi (Rutgers University) and Iordanka Alexandrova (Korea University)
- Discussant: In Han Kim (Ewha Womans University)
- Date and time: October 16, 2020 (Friday) / 17:00
- Zoom link: https://bit.ly/2SFw3qA
- Meeting ID: 81841893805 (password: Security1!)
Rules for participation: Anyone interested in the topic can join the meeting using the above link without prior registration. However, we advise you to download and read the paper in advance.