Upcoming Events

[Soodang Security Studies Colloquium #12] The Effectiveness of the Use of Force in UN Peacekeeping
- Author: Kyoung-Seok Ha (Korea University)
- Discussant: Seung Joon Paik (Korea University)
- Date and time: September 17, 2021 (Friday) / 17:00
- Zoom link: https://bit.ly/2SFw3qA
- Meeting ID: 81841893805 (password: Security1!)
Rules for participation: Anyone interested in the topic can join the meeting using the above link without prior registration. However, we advise you to download and read the paper in advance.
[Soodang Distinguished Speaker Colloquium #8] Foreign Pressure and Public Opinion in Target States
- Presentation : Matthew Winters (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
- Date and time : Friday, September 10, 2021. 9 am
- Zoom Link : https://bit.ly/3mJIkKZ
- Meeting ID : 856 0287 2748
- Password : 1905Korea!
- Contact : jamessuh3823@korea.ac.kr

[Jiam Research Workshop] 5. The Korean Political Science Association World Congress Session
- Date and time: Friday, August 20, 2021. 15:00~16:50
- Venue: Zoom
- Topic: “Citizens and Global Governance in the Age of Covid-19 Pandemic”
- Chair: Shin Wha Lee (Research Director of PDI)
- Presenters: Doo Jin Kim (PDI), “Global Citizenship and Korea’s National Citizenship”
Gyu Jeong Lee (PDI), “Covid-19 and Global Governance in the Media”Ji Hoon Lin (PDI), “World Peace of Justice-viewed: Focusing on Rawls’ Stability” - Discussant : You Cheer Kim (Duksung Womans University)
Young Deuk Park (Chungnam National University)
Kwang Min Pyo (Institute of International Studies, SNU)

[College of Political Science and Economics Symposium #6] Sustainable Development and Gender Capacity
- Date and time : Tuesday, August 10, 2021. 16:00~17:30
- Venue : Zoom
- Zoom link: Click here
Chair: Joo Young Park (Graduate School of Energy and Environment)
- Presenters: Si Jeong Lim (KU DIS) / Hei Sook Lee (GISTER, Ewha Womans Univ.)
∗ Initially, we were planning to gather offline and conduct YouTube live, but due to COVID-19, it has been changed to zoom, a non-face-to-face method.
[Soodang Security Studies Colloquium #11] Building Unified Korea’s Military Power
- Author: Dong Sun Lee, I. Alexandrova (Korea University)
- Discussant: Wooseon Choi (Korea National Diplomatic Academy)
- Date and time: August 13, 2021 17:00
- Zoom link: https://bit.ly/2SFw3qA
- Meeting ID: 818 4189 3805 (password: Security1!)
Rules for participation: Anyone interested in the topic can join the meeting using the above link without prior registration. However, we advise you to download and read the paper in advance.
[Soodang Security Studies Colloquium #10] Moderation than Strength: Why States Back Down and ‘Weaken’ their Reputation for Resolve during Crises
- Author: DongJoon Park (Korea University)
- Discussant: Hun Joon Kim (Korea University)
- Date and time: July 16, 2021 (Friday) / 17:00
- Zoom link: https://bit.ly/2SFw3qA
- Meeting ID: 81841893805 (password: Security1!)
Rules for participation: Anyone interested in the topic can join the meeting using the above link without prior registration. However, we advise you to download and read the paper in advance.
[Soodang Security Studies Colloquium #9] Killing to Rule: The Prospects of Victory and Violence During the Korean War
- Author: Seung Joon Paik (Korea University)
- Discussant: Dong-suk Kim (IFANS)
- Date and time: June 25, 2021 (Friday) / 17:10
- Zoom link: https://bit.ly/2SFw3qA
- Meeting ID: 81841893805 (password: Security1!)
Rules for participation: Anyone interested in the topic can join the meeting using the above link without prior registration. However, we advise you to download and read the paper in advance.
[Soodang Distinguished Speaker Colloquium #7] Membership and its Benefits: Vote Shares in the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank
- Presentation : Soo Yeon Kim (National University of Singapore)
- Date and time : May 21, 2021 16:00
- Zoom Link : https://cutt.ly/ibF97L5
- Meeting ID : 854 2828 7885
- Password : 1905Korea!
- Contact : jamessuh3823@korea.ac.kr