Pol in Love Meeting (May 21, 2021, 21:30)
Peace and Democracy Institute launched the Pol in Love program in January to strengthen the relationship between seniors and juniors of Korea University’s Department of Political Science and to raise interest in students interested in Political Science.
The Pol in Love team will hold a meeting from 9:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. on May 21 (Friday) to introduce the interviews conducted during the first semester and plans for the second semester to members of the Political Science and Peace and Democracy Institute. The event will be held non-face-to-face through Zoom (link) considering the Corona situation. I ask for your participation from many interested classmates, and I ask for your encouragement and advice to make the meeting with seniors more meaningful.
Thank you.
Date: May 21, 2021 21:30 – 22:30
Zoom Link:
Meeting ID: 843 5206 9648
Password: g4zQgvaH#4
[Journal of Marine Security] Call for Student Papers
- Organizer: Korea Institute for Maritime Strategy
- Topics: Marine-related topics, such as maritime security, maritime strategy, maritime power/navy power, maritime economy, maritime history, maritime law, marine environment and resources, etc.
- Submission Period: Sep 1 – Sep 30, 2021
- Eligibility: University students and graduate students
- Paper Format: 20 pages (A4), Korean or English (refer to the submission guidelines of the Journal of Marine Security)
- Awards: Best prize (1) – 1.5M won, Second prize (2) – 1M won, Encouragement prizes (multiple) – 0.75M won
- Details: For more information, please refer to the attached poster and the website of the Korea Institute Maritime Strategy (
[Peace Studies] Call for Papers for Spring 2021 (Vol. 29, No.1)
Peace Studies, a KCI-listed journal published biannually by the Peace & Democracy Institute (on April 30 and October 30), is pleased to invite submissions for the Spring issue of 2021.
Peace Studies publishes academic papers related to peace in a broad sense. It covers various research topics related to political, economic, and social conflict and cooperation within countries, as well as structural, institutional, and normative approaches to international conflict resolution.
Submissions are accepted on a rolling basis in both Korean and English. If you wish to submit a manuscript, please use the online paper submission system Please refer to the Author’s Guide for paper preparation instructions.
The submission deadline for the 2021 Spring issue is midnight on March 15, 2021 (Monday).
If you have any questions regarding the submission process, please contact us at peacestudies1@gmail.
Thank you for your continued interest in Peace Studies.
Submit Research Paper to Peace Studies Vol. 28, No.2 (Autumn, 2020)
Peace Studies, published twice a year by Peace & Democracy Institute (PDI), seeks a paper to be published in Vol. 28, No. 2 (issued on October 30, 2020).
Peace Studies publishes academic papers on the peace that are understood in a broad sense. It covers not only structural, institutional and ideological measures for conflicts and disputes in international relations and their resolution, but also various research themes related to political, economic and social conflicts and integration within a country.
Papers are accepted at any time, and both Korean and English papers can be submitted. If you would like to submit, please use the online paper submission ( located at the bottom of the homepage of the PDI. Please refer to the homepage for paper preparation instructions.
Submission deadline for Volume 28, No. 2 is Sunday, September 20, midnight. If you have any questions regarding the paper submission, please contact the following address.
We ask for your continued interest in our Peace Studies.