[Woodang Issue Brief No.10] Changes in the Global Order and the Future of the Korean Peninsula


Original PDF : [우당이슈브리프10호]세계질서의 변화와 한반도의 미래(전재성, 2022년 2월)

Changes in the World Order and the Future of the Korean Peninsula

KOR: 세계질서의 변화와 한반도의 미래

Chun Chaesung (Professor of Political Science & International Relations, Seoul Nat’l University)


Table of Contents:

  1. Fundamental Changes in the World Order and the Weakening of American Leadership
  2. Ukraine: Chaos in the World Order
  3. Future of the Korean Peninsula

(Authored: 2022.01.30)


This article was originally written in Korean.

An English abstract was not submitted to the institute, and translation is in progress.

We thank you for your patience and continued interest.