When does women’s political power matter? Women’s representation and legal gender equality of economic opportunity across contexts (2022.11)

  • 저자 : Nam Kyu Kim
  • 학술지명 : Euporean Political Science Review
  • 발행처 : Cambridge University Press
  • 권호 : 14(4)
  • 게재년월 : 2022년 11월

초록: This article explores how women’s descriptive representation affects legal gender equality of economic opportunity. Building on existing studies on women’s descriptive and substantive representation, we argue that as the proportion of female legislators and ministers increases, legal gender equality of economic opportunity improves. Additionally, we expect that a country’s institutional context significantly shapes the influence of women in different positions of power on legal gender equality. The higher the legislature’s law-making power, the greater the effect of female legislators on legal gender equality; under the same condition, its relative influence compared to female cabinet ministers is also greater. Similarly, we hypothesize that the higher the level of democracy, the more effective female legislators compared to female ministers. To test these arguments, we draw on the database that provides cross-national information on legal discrimination against women in economic opportunities and provide supporting evidence for our arguments.
