[북챕터] South Korea’s Refugee Policies: National and Human Security Perspectives (2019.01)


  • 저자 : Shin-wha Lee
  • 저서명 : Human Security and Cross-Border Cooperation in East Asia
  • 편저자 : Hernandez, C., Kim, E.M., Mine, Y., Xiao, R.
  • 출판사 : Palgrave Macmillan
  • 출간일 : 2019년 1월
  • 영문 초록 : Contrasting human security with national security, this chapter examines South Korea’s policies toward global refugees and North Korean defectors, an effective indicator of regime instability. It is argued that the security and welfare of individual persons, which are the very reason for the existence of a sovereign state, must be prioritized in human security practice. Policy development in this regard is essential for a middle-power nation. Some policy considerations are provided for the examination of refugee responses from the human security perspective, particularly regarding how to make stakeholder support more comprehensive and how to promote bottom-up engagement and empowerment.