Post-American World에서 미국 예외주의의 다양성 ―오바마 독트린 실패의 교훈과 바이든 행정부의 도전― (2020.12)

  • 저자 : 이수진 ( Su-jin Lee ) , 이신화 ( Shin-wha Lee )
  • 학술지명 : 미국학논집
  • 발행처 : 한국아메리카학회
  • 권호 : 52(3)
  • 게재년월 : 2020년 12월

초록 : President-elect Joe Biden will likely build upon Obama’s ‘leading-from-behind’ Doctrine. This paper attempts to understand whether the Biden administration will succeed, given that both the Democrats and Republicans criticized Obama’s Doctrine for eroding American exceptionalism. Prior to addressing the relationship between American exceptionalism and grand strategy, this paper identifies the defining characters of American exceptionalism and introduces the concept of ‘varieties of American exceptionalism.’ Second, this paper situates Obama’s Doctrine in the debate over U.S. grand strategy and asserts that Obama’s Doctrine promotes an evolving modus vivendi of American exceptionalism. By comparing Obama’s Doctrine with Biden’s election pledges, this paper concludes that Biden’s team can learn from Obama on how to navigate new American exceptionalism in the post-American world.
