[수당 해외학자 초청 콜로키움 #20] Double Vision: The Politics of Energy and Security

Jeff D. Colgan 2023.04.11

  • 발표: Jeff D. Colgan (Brown University)
  • 제목: Double Vision: The Politics of Energy and Security
  • 일시: 2023.04.21(금)ㅣ11:00-12:15
  • 장소: 정경관 618호 최고위과정실

Abstract: How do energy and international order relate to each other? My central claim is that scholarly views of energy and international order is story of double vision, with an international political economy (IPE) lens and a Security lens. When considering either current events associated with Ukraine or the longer history of energy politics over the last century, a behavioral pattern within IPE suggests one narrative, whereas the pattern of security affairs is quite dissimilar, leading to a sharply different view of international order. To do better, we need a conceptual underpinning for international order than can handle both IPE and Security perspectives. I develop and extend two concepts pertaining to international order—partial hegemony and subsystems—that help explain energy politics. Moreover, this theoretical framework can be used to understand international order more broadly, on topics ranging from finance to nuclear proliferation to climate change.