[수당 안보 콜로키움 #20] Compound Containment: A Reigning Power’s Military-Economic Countermeasures against a Challenging Power

북토크 시리즈 2022.05.20
  • 일시: 2022년 5월 18일(수), 19:00-21:00
  • 장소: 고려대학교 정경관 412호
  • 사회자: 이동선 (고려대학교 정치외교학과)
  • 발표자: 김동중 (고려대학교 국제대학원)
  • 토론자: 홍우택 (한국국방연구원), 황지환 (서울시립대학교 국제관계학과), 김인한 (이화여자대학교 정치외교학과)
  • 주관: 평화와 민주주의연구소, 정치외교학과

이번 콜로키움은 발표자로 고려대학교 국제대학원의 김동중 교수가 참가하였고, 토론자로 홍우택 한국국방연구원 연구위원, 황지환 서울시립대학교 국제관계학과 교수, 김인한 이화여자대학교 정치외교학과 교수 등, 사회자로 이동선 고려대학교 정치외교학과 교수가 참가하여 진행되었습니다. 저자 김동중 교수는  “Compound Containment: A Reigning Power’s Military-Economic Countermeasures against a Challenging Power” 제목의 저서를 소개하였습니다.

영문 초록: When does a reigning great power of the international system supplement military containment of a challenging power by restricting its economic exchanges with that state? Scholars of great power politics have traditionally focused on examining a reigning power’s military containment of a challenging power. In direct contrast, Compound Containment demonstrates that these conventional studies are flawed without a sound understanding of the multilayered aspects of containment strategy in great power politics. Since economic capacity and military power are intimately linked to one another, countering a challenging power requires addressing both economic and military dimensions. Nonetheless, this nexus of security and economy in a reigning power’s response to a challenging power cannot be explained by traditional theories that dominate research in international security. Author Dong Jung Kim fills a gap in the scholarship on great power competition by investigating when a reigning power will make its military containment of a challenging power “compound” by simultaneously employing restrictive economic measures. Its main theoretical claims are corroborated by an analysis of key historical cases of reigning power-challenging power competition. This book also offers policy prescriptions for the United States by examining whether the United States is in a position to complement military containment of China with restrictive economic measures.